So I was talking to a (male) colleague the other day. Apparently, he had run into a law school acquaintance in town and they were doing the catch up thing. He found out that she was a senior associate at a (pretty big) law firm in Boston. After the work conversation, he asked her about her husband and if she had had any children (he knew that she had gotten married shortly after graduating from law school).
Apparently, she went psycho on him. She started screaming at how he was a complete misogynist and clearly thought that the only thing women should do is have babies and stay at home with them, how she was working so hard that she clearly didn't have time to have children, how despite men like him, she was going to make partner at her current firm.
Is it me or did she really flip the frick out?
What's funny, of course, is that my colleague-friend has had kids since graduating from law school, and is doing just fine at my firm (of course, he's a man, so I suppose that doesn't count). I don't know if this woman knew this or if it would have made a difference. Apparently, she stomped off after her rant. My friend basically felt like a cad, totally shitty, was asking me if he had done something wrong.
I mostly found this story funny and revert to my belief that *PEOPLE!* we gotta calm the fuck down.
Kali is a real meany. I don't remember Loo being so mean when she was one. Kali will bite, claw, scream, grab... she'll pretty much do whatever it takes to get her way. I know that all kids are wilfull, but this is sort of, well, beyond. And the worst of it is that she's really quite mean to Loo. Loo kinda adores her baby sister, calls out to her after they haven't been together, gives her lots of kisses. But Kal just pushes her away, usually quite insistently, with a punch or shove thrown in for good measure. And Kali is a big girl compared to her sister. They're only 7 pounds apart (this is mostly because Loo is a teeny weeny little tot, not because Kal is some 50 foot baby).
Ah, well, back to work. It's gonna be a late one tonight.
By the way, it's been gorgeous these last few days. It's too bad that I spend all my day sitting inside on my badunkadunk.
Obviously this woman has either been struggling with her own biological time-bomb, or pushed to the brink by grandchild-hungry parents and relatives. Or failing either of those, she's just a bitch. Whatever the case, please assure your colleague that he isn't a cad. 'So do you have any kids?' is a perfectly natural question, and one I would ask friends of either gender.
Posted by: Mary Witzl | August 30, 2007 at 04:47 AM
Wow, that women DOES have issues. Maybe she'd just had a bad day or was sick of hearing it from EVERY.SINGLE.PERSON.SHE.MEETS. I get that. Still, way to overreact!! ;)
Posted by: PT-LawMom | August 30, 2007 at 01:04 PM