For all those Republicans out there who say that only the poor take handouts from the government, another example of how that is so clearly not the case. The only difference is, when the government help the less well off, they help millions of them, but when the help the rich, they help like 100 of them. Thanks to Boston Gal for the link.
And in other news, hi, my name is Kady, and I'm married to a republican. Where's my goddamn support group?
Haha... I'd almost be your support group but I'm leaving mine. I read that article and was chuckling because I've sat through in-laws functions where they talked about those 'damn liberals' and 'democrats'... and hoping someone would ask my opinion so I can sweetly smile and inform them that I am actually a damn liberal.
Posted by: Mama Nabi | February 23, 2008 at 05:26 PM