I've de-linked the "my net worth" gidget off this blog.
This is a sad sad day for me, and I think this may get me drummed out of the PF tribe.
My reasons:
(1) with the recent tax/mortgage fiasco, my net worth has become even more tighly interwoven with hubster's. So without revealing his net worth, my net worth is not as useful a gauge as it had been.
(2) I've revealed my "true identity" to a few bloggers recently. That means, among other things, that I'll probably be dooced soon. It also leads to my preemptively removing my net worth so as to stave off the divorce that will happen if my husband finds out that I'm revealing our financial secrets in such detail on this blog.
(3) but, all that being said, I will still continue to reveal my good/bad financial decisions and keep the PF aspect to this blog. Just not to the level of detail that my net worth allowed.
If there are any PF bloggers around, I'm deeply apologetic. I know that this is like some sort of Scarlet A that I've now slapped on my blog. I hope you will still allow me among your midst.