For those who think that the financial markets and a free capitalist system is just great shakes for the average person, consider the following story from the NYTimes about Carl Icahn's behavior as director and majority shareholder at XO Communications. The system pretends that it protects the minority shareholder, but truth be told, if a sophisticated and ultimately relatively powerful (compared to me, if not to Carl Icahn) shareholder like R2 Investments can't get its fair shakes, what makes you think you can.
I'm back from the Democratic Nation Convention. It was a mind-blowing experience, and I'm exhausted. More to come.
Pretty great that you got to go to the DNC. One of my life goals is to attend a political party's National Convention. Not likely that it will ever happen for me, though.
Posted by: teahouseblossom | September 02, 2008 at 10:43 PM