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September 03, 2008


Julie Pippert

Awesome post. People say the Democrats are ot unified---it's not an accurate portrayal. Those of us who vote that way just tend to be really, really diverse with respect for a variety of POVs so consensus is a challenge. I think you're right about GOP homogenity wrt a defined single set of beliefs and values. And yet I see diversity within the Republican voters---so where do those views fit in. I appreciate when people have the ability to discuss it.


Obama's candidacy has awakened (or reawakened) these feelings in a lot of us. I also feel transformed by this election and my association with our powerful blogger lady friends. I pray that our newfound hope and determination aren't crushed over the next few months.


One of my best friends recently said a similar thing about her Obama awakening. For whatever reason, he has struck a chord with a lot of people. I think the same can be said of Palin--a lot of people formerly on the fence or dead set against McCain find her inspiring.

I'm neither a McCain supporter nor an Obama supporter, but I do find the idolatry surrounding Obama both perplexing and disturbing. He's a man, not a god.


Great post. dgm, I don't know a single Obama supporter who thinks of him as a "god" or that he will work any kind of magic. It's not about him, it's about *us*. It's about what we can achieve if we work toward a common goal and stop being distracted by non-issues. If it inspires Kady to pursue her dream, if it inspires me to create a website where progressive moms find a home, if it inspires you to take action in your community, it's not a man, it's a movement. That "god" thing is a Republican spin because of the fear they have that people will wake up and see how badly they failed.

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