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February 19, 2009


M.G. in Progress

The case for not nationalizing the LEMON BROTHERS, since there are alternatives.


What a fun read! Like your whimsical & cynical views. And bully for having the chutzpah to shout only what the market prices are whispering.

I agree with your bankruptcy plan, but with a little twist...we need to solve the root issue of banks creating illegal instruments like credit swaps and derivatives that effectively guarantee the buyer (mortgage holder) against loss...while Congress has been quick to throw money at the industry, they haven't solved the problem or eliminated the risk buried in the existing contracts, which is in the trillions (10-50)...if we don't outlaw the "complex instruments" that only Wall Street understands, the bailout will never end...banks were never allowed to be in the insurance business and we need to return to that standard of law...IF Congress outlawed the derivatives for regulated entities (and banished them to hedge funds where investors are on their own) and gave banks 1 year to get out (ie: repay the risk premium they received on the sale), then we have an opportunity to move forward...If the bank isn't able to get out of the contracts, they would face a bankruptcy proceeding that would wipe out the illegal contracts with unsecured creditors and stockholders (who profited by engaging in crappy deals for a quick buck)...the deposits and loans of most of the big banks, less the toxic contracts (not debt) would probably constitute a decently capitalized bank after bankruptcy, and certainly able to raise private capital in a healthier market that now trusts the balance sheet....just my opinion.

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