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October 13, 2009



I don't know if it broke me, but it certainly made me realize there was a huge gap between what I though my priorities should be & what my boss thought. I've written about it before, but what it all came down to were mixed messages that led me to draw the conclusion that she (yes, boss=she) thought that women who really wanted to be good mothers didn't work & that mothers that wanted to work had to let go of their expectations of what good mothers did. I can say that DD was not as sick as the rest of the children in her nursery were & that when she did get sick she got better quicker than her peers. I think that was to the benefit of my employer, but of course they had no way of knowing that. It's weird because it is a pretty big deal; how we feed the youngest of our society. But in the workplace it's more acceptable to discuss American Idol. Ugh.


Interesting theory. But couldn't that be said about childbirth in general?

My mother breastfed both me and my sister, but supplemented with formula. From what I've heard, it's hard to keep the supply up with the demand!

Angela at mommy bytes

Hi Kady,

So glad you found me! I breastfed both my kids, 16 months and 23 months, while working outside the home full time. I purposely set up my daycare within walking distance from work and nursed during lunch as well as pumping for the first 10 months or so.

That being said, it all worked fine until I had to travel. Then it was pumping up 3 or 4 extra days of milk, and then pumping at the travel site, which was never as convenient as at work, storing the milk in the hotel freezer and bringing it all back. TOTAL HASSLE!! I only had to do that once, but I would simply refuse to travel if I ever had another baby (which would probably mean taking another job at this point). Giving up breastfeeding for work for this diehard would be impossible!

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