I'm not particularly vested in this Momosphere argument. I breastfed both my daughters for 6 months each, far short of what the die-hard advocates advocate, but it was important enough for me to breastfeed that I did it though I was a full time law student living 2 hours away from school (for my oldest) and studying for the bar exam (for my youngest).
However, my mom, who had me in one of those "developing countries" that we hear about, raised me and my sister on formula. I have no doubt that this was in part because of aggressive marketing on the part of formula makers. During the late 60s/early 70s (and I believe even today), breastfeeding was perceived in Asia to be lower-class, and the ability to purchase formula a reflection of the upwardly mobile. As the saying goes, I turned out Ok.
Then something struck me this morning. Ultimately, my personal pro-breastfeeding beliefs are, on some level, marketing induced. I have unscientific "feelings" about the benefits of breastfeeding, and the scientific facts I have are, well, let's just say I know what the track record is with things that are "scientific fact". What I have been exposed to, since I'm most often surrounded by crunchy, tree-hugging hippies, is a lot of pro-breastfeeding research, enthusiasm from the la leche groups, and other forms of group-think.
But what I know is that breast-feeding, as a striving, sporatically ambitious woman, was a career liability for me. It made my children constantly at the forefront of my thoughts, and made them manifestly at the forefront of my behavior. I made it work, with difficulty, as I am sure thousands of mothers are making it work all around the country every day. But there is no denying that breastfeeding changed my relationship with my "job," as I am sure it had similar impact on other breastfeeding moms.
So what if, just what IF, the reversion to breastfeeding-is-best is partly motivated by putting up just one more barrier between a woman and her chance at professional success? What if, by making the striving, ambitious woman bear one more burden on her back, it becomes the one burdent that breaks her?