Wow, these Mother Jones charts are spectacular.
I like this next one. Especially the difference between the actual and perceived distribution. There is definitely a strong frontier mentality in the US. We are loathe to believe that (1) there is no manifest destiny, (2) hard work may not be enough and (3) that the odds are deliberately stacked against us. I wonder how large the gap between reality and perception will grow before we'll (as a nation) actually get something real done.
And last but not least, why tax cuts are idiotic. And the worst is, this chart merely reflects a "millionaire's" tax rate, which is significantly bumpbed up by the large crop of the top 1% who are earning in the low 7 figures and whose taxes are still largely income based. For those in the truly upper tier, the .05, .01ers, their effective tax rate is probably much closer to 20%, as much of their annual wealth are profit-based. Also, the corporate tax relative to income tax *wow*.
Welcome back.
Posted by: Honestly | February 28, 2011 at 10:42 PM
This is a test.
Posted by: Test | February 28, 2011 at 10:58 PM
This is very cool. Love Mother Jones!!!
Posted by: teahouseblossom | March 11, 2011 at 07:47 PM