I'm in the office, waiting for a document. I need to review and sign off on the document today. It was supposed to be here at noon, it is now 2. In the meantime, I've been doing little odds and ends, but mostly thinking... dreaming... about quitting this job.
I know you think you know why I want to quit this job... but, hey, for argument's sake, why do I want to quit this job?
It is a beautiful mid to upper 80s day outside today. The sky is a slate of stone cold blue, and there is not a lick of humidity. But here, in my friggin' office, I feel like a slab of beef in a butcher's refrigerator. I look out and dream about the beach (and I basically hate the beach), digging my frostbitten toes into warm sands, feeling tropical sun waves beating on my skin. Hell, I look out and dream about my temperate apartment, with its crappy a/c that can barely lower the temperature to a balmy 78 degrees. Where I can wrap myself in the ooey-gooey warmth of my comforter, with my girls piled on top.
Out there, I can almost see the warmth the irradiating from the other office buildings, off the sidewalks. In here, I'm sitting in wool pants, a long sleeve cardigan buttoned up to my throat and a pashmina scarf looped around my neck. I might as well be burka-ed.
And I wonder, all those stories about educated women quitting their high powered jobs to be stay-at-home moms. Maybe they weren't merely quitting in order to nurture. Maybe it wasn't even because they were finding more satisfaction in using their creative capacities instead of cultivating their paper pushing abilities. Maybe it was because they were so friggin' tired of being so damn cold all the friggin' time.
Because, srsly, these sub-zero office temperatures are going to be the straws that broke this camel's back.
So I say, to the politicians out there, here is a way to (1) support women in the work place, (2) work against global warming and reducing our dependence on non-renewable energy sources (cause you know that all that dastardly A/C be sucking up the energy), (3) improve fiscal responsibility, and (4) prevent costly power outages. Let's tax the shit out of energy used in the workplace. Then maybe these stupid powers that be won't constantly, continuously and brainlessly keep setting the temperature to "holymothafrakingcold".